Video & Sound Production - Final Project

24/9/2024 - 0/0/2024
Week1 - Week
Lim Pei Jiun / 0372548
Video & Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project


Final Project: Stop Motion Video

Week 1 (24.9.2014)

The Favorite Stop Motion Video

Stop Motion Video 1:

This is my favorite stop motion video. I really like the style of this stop motion video. The details of the protagonist from sleeping to waking up after noticing something unusual are great and we can understand what happened from these details. Besides, using yarn and plastic to represent seawater is very creative. The news broadcast on TV can also help people better understand what is happening.

This stop motion video is very smooth, it is not easy to make such a smooth stop motion animation with such a small prop. As the tittle says, this is indeed a sweety surprise. The cake made by mother rabbit is a big surprise for little rabbit. This is a very cute story.

Stop Motion Video 3:

The stop motion animation of taking in stray puppies at the beginning is in black and white. Then the stop motion animation turned into color as the puppy played happily. The black and white color represents the puppy's anxiety and panic. Its helpless world is all black and white. After being adopted, the puppy received a lot of love from his owner. He was no longer anxious, so its world began to have color.


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