Advanced Typography - Task 1 Exercises

24.9.2024 - ..2024 / Week 1 - Week

Lim Pei Jiun (0372548) / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 

Advanced Typography

Task 1:Exercises



Week 1: Typographic Systems

There are eight major variations with an infinite number of permutations.

Fig1.1 eight major variations

Axial system: all elements are organised to the left or right of a single axis

Fig1.2 Axial system

Radial System: All elements are extended from a point of focus

Fig1.3 Radial system

Dilatational System: All elements expend from a central point in a circular fashion 

Fig1.4 Dilatational system

Random System: Elements appear to have no specific pattern or relationship

Fig1.5 Random system

Grid System: A system of vertical and horizontal divisions

Fig1.6 Grid system

Transitional System: An informal system of layered banding

Fig1.7 Transitional system

Modular System: A series of non-objective elements that are constructed in as a standardised units

Fig1.8 Modular system

Bilateral System: All text in arranged symmetrically on a single axis

Fig1.9 Bilateral system



Exercise 1: Typographic System

For this exercise, we need to create 8 posters by using all the typographic systems. We must design all the systems in InDesign and the document size must be 200mm * 200mm. Besides, we can use black and one other color.

First, I do research on Pinterest and reference to the Fig5.1 to complete my axial design

Fig5.1 Axial's research in Pinterest

Fig5.2 Progress of Axial system

Fig5.3 Axial system

Fig5.4 First progress of Radial system

Fig5.5 Finally progress of Radial system

Fig5.6 Radial system



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